Rubus Hill doo
Rubus Hill doo

Raspberry liqueur

Liker sa malinama


  • 1 kg of raspberries
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 1 l homemade brandy


Wash the raspebrries, take care that each one is completly healthy, as you don't want your effort to be wasted. Let them dry.

In big jar order one row of raspberries, row of sugar, untill you fill it up to the top. Than water it with homemade brandy. After that close it with cover and let it stay for 21 day. Jar shouldn't be placed on warm spot, especialy exposed to direct sunlight. Every day shake it for a couple times.

When there is no sugar, decant the fruit. You can put raspberries in freezer and used them for some other cake.

That prepared raspberry brandy pour in sterilized bottles and placed them on dry, dark spot for some time for better taste.

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