Rubus Hill doo
Rubus Hill doo

RUBUS HILL company

Hladnjaca Rubushill doo - Ivanjica Hladnjaca Rubushill doo - Ivanjica

Fruit prodution and processing company

Rubus Hill is a fruit production and processing company located at Opaljenik, municipality of Ivanjica, 240 km south-west from Belgrade, the capitol of Serbia.

Serbian raspberry has been established as a brand and is also known as Serbian “red gold” since Serbia is one of the largest raspberry producers and exporters in the world. Its unique taste and well known aroma are result of an ideal climate, fertile and high quality land, as well as production in small family-run plantations.

This area is a leader in raspberry production in Serbia. It is known to produce the highest quality raspberry due to climate factors, traditional know-how in growing this fruit culture, as well as very serious and devoted studies and follow up by the Serbian fruit institute. The plantations are located on the mountain slopes, 800 -1300 high, which enables watering of the raspberry roots with the purest natural resources. The incline of the terrain does not allow excessive water retention and provides natural airing of the plants.

Rubus Hill poses cold storage surrounded mostly by raspberry plantations in nature ambient, far away from any industrial zones and pollution.

Pulp Up is a recent addition to the company’s production line. Having in mind the nutritional benefits of raspberry, Pulp Up aims to extending its usage and consumption, preserving the unique taste and aroma. Pulp up can be consumed with water as a refreshing juice as well as combined and enjoyed with other beverages.

Pulp Up je najnoviji dodatak našoj ponudi. Imajući u vidu nutritivne prednosti maline, Pulp Up ima za cilj da produži njenu upotrebnu vrednost i period konzumiranja, uz očuvan jedinstven ukus i aromu. Pulp Up može da se konzumira sa vodom kao osvežavajući sok, kao i da se kombinuje sa drugim napicima za nov i drugačiji užitak.

© 2016 - Production, processing and selling of frozen fruits